October 2018 Meeting
Dr. Chris Mayer, from the University of Toledo Lake Erie Center, will be speaking to us at our October meeting about the work her lab has done recently on grass carp spawning in Lake Erie.
Dr. Mayer's research interests center on applied community and ecosystem ecology in aquatic systems. The goal of most of the ongoing research in her lab is to address questions about the conservation and management of aquatic species and habitats that are used by, and therefore impacted by people. Current focus areas include: fish and invertebrate ecology, aquatic habitats, and invasive species.
We will also have another fly raffle at our meeting. Bring one of your favorite flies, put it on a peice of paper or a 3 x 5 note card, write your name on the paper and the name of the fly. We will put all of the flies in a bag and draw one out after the presentation. The person who has their fly drawn will win all of the flies!
The meeting will be at Charlie's Taverna in Maumee. The address is 1631 Toll Gate Dr, Maumee, OH 43537. Dinner will be at 6:00 PM and the presentation will begin at 7:00. Please be there in time to place your dinner order by 6:15 if you plan on having dinner.
This meeting is open to anyone.